5 Ways How Living in Tiny Homes Reduces Your Carbon Footprint

If you're into being eco-friendly (which we think you totally are), you'll love what we've got for you today! We've put together this article on how you can lower your carbon footprint and help our planet out, while also finding out how living in a tiny home can make a big difference.
Wait, what is a carbon footprint?
Carbon footprint represents just how much carbon pollution a single person is responsible for. In other words, it's all about how many greenhouse gases you're generating. Needless to say, it's not like you're able to not have a carbon footprint, but it's good for our planet that you keep it to a bare minimum. Now that we've got that in place let's see how living in tiny homes reduces your carbon footprint.
#1 You're more aware of what you consume
That's right, living in tiny homes reduces your carbon footprint, but you'll also be more aware of what you consume, of your so-called consumption habits. Conscious consumption is one of those terms you'll be seeing a lot in the following years: we've got to do something about how we, as everyday consumers, reproduce our everyday habits and leave them as a template for future generations. What's living in a tiny home got to do with it? Well, they come with limited (storage) space. By living inside a tiny home, you won't have so much room to store all your belongings. Therefore, you'll avoid making unnecessary purchases (buying stuff you really don't need). "Taming" your consumption will reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a "greener" lifestyle (less waste).
Before we continue, here's a pro tip: when you buy yourself a tiny home, think about what you actually need. Differentiate between your needs and wants.
#2 Tiny homes are built using eco-friendly materials
Did you know that most tiny homes are built using eco-friendly materials? That's correct; we're talking about either new or repurposed materials (rarely used in the construction process of "normal" homes due to their somewhat limited availability). Also, here's another cool thing: you'll probably save a lot of money building a tiny home, even if the materials aren't cheap. You won't need as many supplies or storage space as needed when constructing a regular home; according to the folks at Verified Movers. You won't have to rent out additional storage space for construction materials.

#3 Renewable energy, anyone?
This might be one of the more obvious ways tiny homes reduce your carbon footprint: they're built to incorporate renewable energy sources. We're talking about solar panels, wind turbines, rainwater harvesting systems, etc. Solar panels are probably the best way to make a (tiny) home eco-friendly. Initially, it might seem like a gigantic investment, but it will save you money in the long run. Not to mention, you'll be making a positive impact on the planet. You really can't go wrong with that!
#4 Tiny homes require a lower life cycle cost
Now, just as with any other type of building out there, a tiny home can't avoid deteriorating a bit as time goes by. However, there's a catch: the overall cost of keeping a tiny home in good condition will greatly differ from your usual regular house. Generally, there will be fewer appliances to keep.
#5 Say goodbye to transportation emissions
Another benefit of living inside a tiny home is reduced transportation emissions. That's because most of the homes we're talking about are made with the intention of being mobile. You'll be able to move them from one place to another. While we're on the subject, you might as well learn about green relocation process. You'll be able to migrate closer to your workplace, school, and other daily activities. Therefore, you'll greatly decrease the amount of time you spend on the road and reduce your carbon footprint.

Bonus: How to reduce your carbon footprint (besides living in a tiny home)?
Let's explore other methods of reducing your carbon footprint, apart from living in a tiny home, shall we?
Conserve water
In other words, be mindful of your water consumption: for instance, take shorter showers and repair leaky faucets. Also, you might want to think about installing low-flow toilets and showerheads. Lastly, you can do something about your water consumption by only running the dishwasher or your washing machine once you have a full load to wash. These may seem simple, but they are often the things we tend to overlook.
Consider eco-friendly forms of transportation
If you're able to do so, try changing your transportation habits. Walk or bike, or give public transportation a chance whenever possible. One of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to simply stop driving your car to work: and commute with an e-bike instead (it's quite an exercise, too). However, if there's no way you can avoid driving, you might want to consider opting for a fuel-efficient car or carpooling with others.
Living in a tiny home is just one way you can do your part for the environment. By reducing your carbon footprint, you'll be helping to make the planet healthier for future generations. Remember, even small changes can make a big difference, so let's team up to create a greener, more sustainable world!