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Could You Make Money From Your Tiny Home Home Improvement Projects?

Jason Francis
Designed and built over 100 custom tiny homes, lived on a sailboat for 9 months, and loves to live life to the fullest with his wife and their 4 kids.
Updated on:
June 9, 2023
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Do you love to spruce up, redecorate, and beautify your tiny home? If it’s one of your favorite pastimes, it could do more than bring you joy – it could make you money too. People in the tiny home contingent are constantly seeking inspiration, assistance, and suggestions for their personal home improvement projects. If you play your cards right, you can cater to their needs in various ways and create an income stream while continuing to do what you love.

Here, we share some advice and suggestions on monetizing your home improvement hobby:

Document your home improvements on a blog

Blogs are great money-spinners, provided you manage to attract enough followers. An excellent way to begin building up followers is to document your home improvement projects (past and present). You can take high-quality photos, write an interesting story, add instructions, and upload everything to your site. You can even use an AI art generator to generate art and branding materials for your blog. Successful blogs can make thousands each money, reports Create and Go. Google AdSense and similar give you per view or click.  

Put your home improvement projects on YouTube

Video is an impactful, engaging way to make an impression on and connect with your audience. There are several successful home improvement channels on YouTube that are making their creators a significant amount of money like DIY Network, Fix It, and Ask the Builder. You could take inspiration from them and do the same. Plus, free online tools make it easy to edit your videos as well as draw attention to your posts. For example, a YouTube banner template allows you to design custom banners that can highlight your latest topic.

Make money directly through sales or affiliate marketing

You could also directly monetize your blog (or website). One effective way to do so is by turning it into an e-commerce shop. You could sell fixtures, DIY kits, decorations, supplies, and other knick-knacks. Another option is to partner with home brands you respect and get commissions for recommending their products or services.

Make money by selling your skills

If you’re good with your hands, you could monetize your skills and make money from them. Your imagination is the only limit. If you’re good with your hands, you could monetize your skills and make money from them. Your imagination is the only limit. However, no matter which path you choose, you should always send out invoices to clients you’ve provided your services to. There are many free invoice templates online if you don’t know where to start.

  • Contract: Sell your services as a handy-person, repair-person, or similar on a freelance basis. It can be a good side income.
  • Consult: If you’re good at design and planning, you could advise people on the interior makeup of their tiny homes (like an interior designer).
  • Teach: You could hold workshops, host online lessons on anything tiny home-improvement-related, or even take on an apprentice or two.  

Use social media to your advantage

Social media is a powerful tool with many uses. It gives you access to a wide, ready-made market of users. It makes you more visible and approachable. It allows you to engage with and gain feedback from your followers. When you leverage it well, you can use social media to find followers, drive traffic to your site, and gain visibility for your blog or channel.

Could you start your own business?

Many people create “lifestyle” startups that allow them to make just enough to sustain their pastime – you could do it too. If you’re more ambitious, with enough time and effort, you could indeed grow your hobby into a business. Of course, that’s easier said than done – you will need to do your market research, come up with a business plan, organize your idea, market, and launch. It will require funding, not to mention time and expertise, but it can be done.

Paying for your home improvement projects

Home improvements aren’t free. Some of them, as you doubtless know, cost a pretty penny. If you’d like to pay for your home improvement projects or gain some seed money for your business, a convenient way to do so is by taking out a home equity loan. These loans are calculated by subtracting the amount you still owe on your mortgage from the present market value of your home. The figure is indicative of the amount you can borrow to possibly fund your various projects or new business.


Just like with any other business, it will take time for your tiny home improvement endeavor to gain traction and pay off, so don’t quit your day job just yet. Take it slow, be practical, and follow entrepreneurship best practices to obtain the best results.

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