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How to Organize a Nursery Dresser: Essential Tips for New Parents

Updated on:
September 25, 2024
How to Organize a Nursery Dresser

Image Source: Canva

When I first organized my baby's nursery dresser, I quickly realized how essential it was to have a system in place that made my daily routines smoother. By focusing on evaluating needs and prioritizing essentials like diapers, wipes, and daily clothes, I found that using drawer dividers and clearly labeling each section considerably improved accessibility. But the key isn't just in the setup—it's about maintaining and regularly reorganizing the space to keep it functional. Let me share more insights on how to make your nursery dresser a model of efficiency and ease.

Assess Your Needs

Evaluating your needs is the first vital step in organizing a nursery dresser. When I started setting up my baby's room, I quickly realized how important it was to understand exactly what I needed. Begin by considering your daily routine and what items you'll be reaching for most frequently. Think about diaper changes, clothing changes, and feeding times.

I found it helpful to make a list of essentials: diapers, wipes, onesies, burp cloths, and other frequently used items. It's important to prioritize these items and guarantee they're within easy reach. You don't want to be fumbling around for a diaper at 3 AM.

Next, consider the space you have. Measure your dresser and visualize how items will fit. I thought about how many drawers I had and what could be stored in each. This planning phase will save you time and hassle later on.

Lastly, think about future needs. Babies grow quickly, and their clothing and supply needs will change. By anticipating these changes, you can create a flexible organizational system that adapts over time. This forward-thinking approach makes managing the nursery smoother and less stressful.

Sort by Category

Once you've assessed your needs, it's essential to sort items by category to streamline the organization process. Start by grouping similar items together. For example, gather all onesies in one pile, socks and mittens in another, and diapers in a separate stack. This helps you see how much of each item you have and makes it easier to allocate drawer space efficiently.

Next, think about how frequently you'll need to access each category. Items you use daily, like diapers and onesies, should be placed in the most accessible drawers. Less frequently used items, like special occasion outfits or seasonal clothing, can go in lower or higher drawers. This way, you won't waste time digging through multiple drawers to find what you need.

Don't forget about small essentials. Group items like pacifiers, bibs, and burp cloths together. Keeping these small items organized will save you from the frustration of searching for a single misplaced pacifier during a midnight feeding.

Utilize Drawer Dividers

Drawer dividers can truly transform the way you organize your nursery dresser. When I first set up my baby's nursery, installing drawer dividers was one of the best decisions I made. These little tools make a huge difference in keeping everything tidy and accessible.

Imagine opening the dresser to find all your baby's onesies, socks, and bibs neatly separated and easy to grab. No more rummaging around! Drawer dividers create distinct sections, so each type of clothing or accessory has its own designated space. I used smaller compartments for things like socks and mittens, while larger ones held folded outfits and blankets.

One of the tricks I found helpful is choosing adjustable dividers. Babies grow fast, and so do their needs. Adjustable dividers can be reconfigured as your baby's wardrobe changes. Plus, they're easy to install and remove, making the whole process hassle-free.

Having a well-organized nursery dresser not only saves time but also reduces stress. You'll know exactly where everything is, which is a lifesaver during those late-night diaper changes. Trust me, utilizing drawer dividers is a simple yet effective way to maintain order in your nursery.

Prioritize Daily Items

After setting up drawer dividers, the next step is to prioritize daily items. Let's make sure the essentials are within easy reach. Trust me, when you're dealing with a fussy baby at 3 a.m., you'll thank yourself for having everything organized.

Start by placing diapers and wipes in the top drawer. These are probably the most frequently used items, so having them front and center is a game-changer. Next to them, keep diaper rash cream and a changing pad if it fits. It's all about convenience here.

In the second drawer, store baby clothes that you use daily. Think onesies, pajamas, and socks. Fold them neatly and stack them vertically so you can see all your options at a glance. This saves time and reduces stress when you're in a hurry.

The third drawer is perfect for burp cloths, bibs, and swaddles. These items are essential but not as frequently needed as diapers or clothes. Having a dedicated space for them keeps everything organized and easy to find.

Label Everything

To take your nursery dresser organization to the next level, label everything. Trust me, clear labels can be a lifesaver, especially during those late-night diaper changes. When you're half-asleep and trying to find a clean onesie, labels can make all the difference.

Start by labeling each drawer with its contents. You can use a label maker for a polished look or simple sticky notes if you're in a rush. Labels like "Onesies," "Socks," "Diapers," and "Sleepwear" will help you and anyone else caring for your baby find exactly what's needed without rummaging through every drawer.

Consider using clear containers or drawer dividers with labels inside the drawers. This adds an extra layer of organization. For instance, within the "Sleepwear" drawer, you can have separate sections for sleep sacks, pajamas, and swaddles.

Don't forget to update labels as your baby grows. What works for a newborn might not fit a few months down the line. Regularly revisiting and updating your labels guarantees that your system remains functional.

Image Source: Canva

Maximize Space

Making the most of your nursery dresser's space can be a game changer. I've found that utilizing drawer organizers is the first step. These handy dividers can separate onesies, socks, and bibs into neat, accessible sections. It's amazing how much more you can fit when everything has its own spot.

Another tip is to fold clothes efficiently. The KonMari method, where items are folded into small, rectangular shapes, works wonders. This not only saves space but also makes it easier to see everything at a glance. No more rummaging through a messy drawer to find that tiny sock!

Utilizing vertical space is another trick. I've bought stackable bins and drawer trays that let me build upward instead of spreading out. This is particularly useful for storing smaller items like baby hats, mittens, and pacifiers.

Lastly, think about multi-use items. I've put in a small set of hanging shelves inside the dresser for extra storage. It's a great place to keep diapers and wipes, freeing up drawer space for clothing. By optimizing every inch, you'll keep your nursery dresser organized and functional.

Rotate Seasonal Clothes

Rotating seasonal clothes is a must for keeping your nursery dresser streamlined and efficient. With a growing baby, it's crucial to keep only what you need within easy reach. I recommend starting by separating clothes into categories: winter, spring, summer, and fall. This way, you can store off-season items elsewhere, freeing up valuable drawer space for the current season's essentials.

As the weather changes, take a moment to switch out the wardrobe. For example, when summer ends, pack away lightweight onesies and shorts, and bring out cozy sweaters and thicker pajamas. I find it helpful to use clear, labeled bins for the off-season clothes, so you always know where everything is when it's time to rotate again.

Don't forget to regularly check the fit of the clothes as your baby grows quickly. What worked last season might not fit now. This simple practice guarantees your baby always has clothes that fit comfortably and are appropriate for the weather. By rotating seasonal clothes, you'll save time and stress, making dressing your little one a breeze. Plus, an organized dresser means one less thing to worry about in your busy parenting life.

Keep Extras Handy

After organizing seasonal clothes, another strategy for maintaining a functional nursery dresser is to keep extras handy. Trust me, having a few extra items within arm's reach can be a game-changer during those unexpected moments. Babies can be unpredictable, and having spare essentials can make your life a lot easier.

First, stock up on extra onesies, socks, and bibs. You'd be surprised how quickly you go through these, especially during feeding or diaper changes. Keep a dedicated space in your dresser for these extras so you can grab them quickly when needed.

Second, think about extra diaper supplies. While it's common to store diapers and wipes near the changing station, having a few extras in the dresser can be a lifesaver. Imagine you're in the middle of a diaper change and realize you're out. Having a backup stash in the dresser can save you from a frantic search.

Lastly, consider keeping extra crib sheets and blankets within easy reach. Accidents happen, and late-night changes are much less stressful when you have fresh sheets at your fingertips. By keeping these extras handy, you'll be better prepared for whatever comes your way.

Use Top Drawer Wisely

Ever wondered how to make the most of that top drawer in your nursery dresser? Let me share a few tips that have made my life so much easier. The key is accessibility. The top drawer is prime real estate, so you want to fill it with items you'll reach for often. Think about all those diaper changes in the middle of the night. You don't want to be fumbling around.

Start by designating a spot for diapers and wipes. I like to keep them in separate, easy-to-grab organizers. Next, consider adding a small section for diaper rash creams and lotions. These should be within arm's reach, but contained to avoid spills.

Another essential? A few sets of onesies and socks. Accidents happen, and having these basics on hand saves you a trip to the closet. I also stash a couple of burp cloths and a pacifier right there. Trust me, you'll thank yourself later.

Keeping the top drawer organized and focused on immediate needs makes those countless diaper changes a bit more manageable. You'll be surprised how much smoother your day (and night) will go with a well-organized top drawer!

Regularly Reorganize

One thing I've learned is that nothing stays organized forever, especially in a nursery. Babies grow quickly, and their needs change just as fast. That's why it's essential to regularly reorganize your nursery dresser. What worked perfectly a month ago might not be practical today.

Start by setting a regular schedule to evaluate and adjust the contents of the dresser. For instance, I make it a point to reassess every couple of weeks. This way, I can swap out outgrown clothing and make sure everything is still easy to access. It's also a great opportunity to check if any items need restocking, like diapers or wipes.

Don't be afraid to change the layout based on what's currently in heavy rotation. If your baby is teething, keep teething toys and bibs in a top drawer for quick access. When the seasons change, bring warmer clothes to the forefront and store away the off-season items.


Organizing your nursery dresser doesn't have to be overwhelming. By evaluating your needs, categorizing items, and using dividers, you'll streamline your daily routine. Prioritize daily items in the top drawer, label everything for quick access, and rotate seasonal clothes as needed. Keep extras handy for those unexpected moments. Regularly reorganize to guarantee everything stays in its place. With these tips, you'll create a functional and efficient space that makes parenting just a bit easier. Happy organizing!

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