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How to Organize Purses: Creative Storage Ideas for Your Collection

Updated on:
July 20, 2024
how to organize purses

Image Source: Canva

So, you've got a purse collection that rivals a small boutique, and now you're wondering how to organize this glorious chaos without losing your sanity or your favorite clutch. Don't worry; we've got some creative storage ideas that'll make your space look like a Pinterest dream. Imagine this: clear display boxes that showcase your bags like they're museum pieces, wall hooks that turn your collection into an art gallery, and even repurposed bookshelves making your purses feel like literary treasures. But wait, there's more—you won't believe what you can do with over-the-door racks.

Use Clear Display Boxes

In organizing your purses, using clear display boxes not only keeps them visible and easy to find but also makes you feel like you're shopping in your own boutique! Imagine waking up, strolling into your closet, and being greeted by a sparkling array of handbags, each one smiling at you through its crystal-clear box. It's like your purses are saying, “Pick me! Pick me!”

You won't need to rummage through a dark abyss of a closet anymore. These clear boxes let you see exactly what you have, saving you precious time and reducing those frantic morning panics. Plus, they're stackable! You can create a Tetris-like masterpiece of purses right in your closet. Your favorite clutch doesn't have to get lost in the shuffle behind that oversized tote.

Now, don't just toss your purses in there like yesterday's laundry. Arrange them by size, color, or season. Got a fancy evening bag? Give it a box of its own, like it's the crown jewel it thinks it is. And let's face it, using clear display boxes makes you feel just a little bit more organized—a purse aficionado with a dash of style.

Install Wall Hooks

But why stop at clear boxes when you can turn your wall into a stylish purse gallery with a few well-placed hooks? Imagine walking into your room and seeing your fabulous collection displayed like a curated art exhibit. Plus, it's super practical! You'll never again waste precious minutes rummaging through a pile to find your favorite clutch.

First, grab some sturdy hooks. We're not talking those flimsy plastic ones that surrender at the sight of a heavy tote. Go for metal or wooden hooks with some character. Think vintage chic or modern minimalism—whatever matches your style.

Next, plan your layout. Channel your inner interior designer and think about the visual balance. Group similar-sized purses together or arrange them by color for a rainbow effect. Just make sure you're not drilling into a power line—shocking your purses isn't the goal here.

Repurpose Bookshelves

When you've got an old bookshelf collecting dust, why not give it a glamorous new life as a chic purse organizer? Envision this: that dusty, forgotten bookshelf can become the star of your closet or bedroom. Simply clean it up, give it a fresh coat of paint to match your decor, and voilà, it's ready to showcase your fabulous collection.

Start by arranging your purses by size or color. Larger totes and handbags can sit majestically on the bottom shelves, while your dainty clutches and evening bags can grace the top. If you're feeling extra crafty, add some small hooks inside the bookshelf to hang your purses with straps. It's like a mini boutique right in your home!

Don't forget to add a few decorative touches. Maybe a small vase, a tiny potted plant, or a framed photo of your favorite fashion icon. These little additions will make your bookshelf-turned-purse-organizer not only functional but also a stylish focal point.

Image Source: Canva

Utilize Over-the-Door Racks

While your newly repurposed bookshelf is already stealing the show, let's not forget about the magical space-saving solution of over-the-door racks for those purses that need a quick grab-and-go home! Imagine transforming the back of your door into a purse paradise. These racks are the unsung heroes of storage, offering multiple hooks that can cradle everything from your tiniest clutch to that giant tote you swear is a bottomless pit.

You won't believe how easy it is! Just hang the rack over your door—no tools, no sweat. Want to make it even snazzier? Go for a rack with adjustable hooks. That way, you can play Tetris with your purses, arranging them by size, color, or even mood. Who said storage can't be fun?

And let's talk about accessibility. Over-the-door racks make it a breeze to grab that perfect purse as you dash out the door. No more digging through a mountain of bags or performing purse archaeology. Plus, you'll free up valuable closet space for other treasures. So go ahead, give your purses the VIP treatment they deserve and let your door do the heavy lifting!

Add Shelf Dividers

Adding shelf dividers is like giving your purses their own VIP sections, ensuring they don't collapse into a chaotic heap. Imagine your favorite clutch mingling with your bulky tote—utter purse pandemonium! Shelf dividers come to the rescue, creating neat, separate spaces for each bag.

First, measure your shelves. You don't want to end up with dividers that are too tall or too short. Aim for a snug fit. Next, pick dividers that match your decor. Clear acrylic ones are sleek and modern, while wooden dividers add a touch of rustic charm. Now, install those bad boys! Most just slide right in, but some might need a tiny bit of elbow grease.

With your dividers in place, start sorting your purses by size, color, or frequency of use. Trust me, your morning routine will thank you. No more frantic digging to find that elusive crossbody! And hey, your purses will be happier too, maintaining their shape and looking fabulous.

Implement Drawer Organizers

Say goodbye to the abyss of cluttered drawers and hello to the magic of drawer organizers, turning your purse chaos into a masterpiece of tidiness. Imagine opening a drawer and not being greeted by a tangled mess of handles and straps. With drawer organizers, each purse has its own snug little compartment, like a cozy apartment for your stylish handbags.

Start by measuring your drawer dimensions. Then, hunt down those wonderful adjustable organizers that fit like a glove. You can find them in a variety of materials—plastic, fabric, bamboo—you name it. They're like tiny, purse-sized parking spots.

Now, categorize your purses. Group them by size, type, or even occasion. Evening clutches get a VIP section while everyday totes can chill in the back. The beauty of drawer organizers is that they keep your purses upright and easily accessible. No more digging around like you're on an archaeological expedition.

And let's not forget the added bonus: you'll actually see that cute clutch you bought last summer but totally forgot about. Drawer organizers not only save space but also save your sanity. You'll thank yourself every time you effortlessly grab the perfect purse for your outfit.

Hang a Pegboard

Prepare to optimize your purse storage setup by hanging a pegboard and transforming your wall into a stylish, functional display. Seriously, who knew a humble piece of perforated wood could turn your purse chaos into a Pinterest-worthy exhibit? Let's delve into this surprisingly chic solution.

First, choose a pegboard that fits your space and satisfies your inner interior designer. Opt for a color that complements your room's decor—white for a minimalist vibe, or maybe a bright hue to add a pop of fun. Now, secure that bad boy to the wall. Make sure it's level; you don't want your precious purses sliding off like they're on a playground seesaw.

Next, grab some pegs or hooks. Here's where your creativity kicks in. Position the hooks in a way that not only showcases your purses but also makes them easy to grab when you're running late for brunch. Mix it up with different hook sizes to accommodate various purse straps and handles.

Invest in a Coat Rack

Why not take your purse organization game to the next level by investing in a chic coat rack that doubles as a stylish storage solution? Imagine a coat rack not just as a place for draping winter wear but as a stage for your fabulous collection of purses. Think of it as a purse parade, where each bag gets its moment in the spotlight.

A coat rack keeps your purses within arm's reach, making it easy to grab the perfect one when you're running late but still need to look fabulous. Plus, it adds a dash of décor flair to any room. With multiple hooks, you can arrange your bags by size, color, or even by occasion. Going for brunch? There's your cute tote. Hot date? That killer clutch is right there, winking at you.

And let's be honest, a coat rack is a conversation starter. Friends will admire your organizational prowess and might even steal the idea for themselves. Just make sure to pick a sturdy rack, because the last thing you want is a purse avalanche. Trust me, no one needs that kind of drama before their morning coffee.

Store in Dust Bags

While a coat rack can showcase your purse collection, storing your bags in dust bags adds a touch of luxury and keeps them looking fabulous longer. Think of dust bags as tiny sleeping bags for your purses, each one nestled in its own little cocoon, safe from dust, sunlight, and the occasional coffee splash.

You don't need to splurge on designer dust bags; any soft, breathable fabric will do. In fact, old pillowcases make fantastic substitutes. Just imagine your purse wrapped up in a cloud of softness, like a cozy hug for your favorite accessory. Plus, it's an excellent way to repurpose those mismatched pillowcases lurking in your linen closet.

Dust bags are also super easy to label. Attach a small tag or use fabric markers to jot down the bag's brand or a brief description. This way, you won't end up frantically digging through your collection when you're running late and need *that* specific bag.


So, there you have it! Organizing your purse collection doesn't have to be a chore. With clear display boxes, wall hooks, and a bit of creativity, you can turn your clutter into a chic gallery. Repurpose bookshelves, use over-the-door racks, and don't forget those handy shelf dividers. Dust bags or pillowcases will keep your beauties pristine. Follow these tips, and your purses will thank you—if they could talk, that is! Happy organizing!

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