Protecting Your Tiny Home With Confidence
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If you live in a tiny home, every inch of your space matters. The decor choices you make, the storage options you choose and even the way your home is built has an impact on how your daily life operates. Therefore, it is crucial for you to choose wisely when it comes to your small home!
We dive into some specifics on how to maintain your home’s durability without sacrificing your own personal style below.
Your Style Choice
Just because your home is small, it doesn’t mean that you can’t still be stylish! Incorporating your own personal style into your home can help it feel more like yours. That being said, every choice you make in your home when it comes to decorating can affect the functionality of your spaces.
When every inch of space matters, choosing furniture that can function in multiple different ways can be really beneficial. Ottomans that can be opened and used for storage, couches that fold out into beds and hideaway desks can all work to save you space while also ensuring your home is cozy and functional.
Another helpful change to make to save yourself space is to install sliding or pocket doors. You probably didn’t think about how much space a swinging door takes up until you moved into your tiny home, but now you know!
The simple act of swapping out your traditional swinging doors with sliding ones can save you serious space. Just be sure that any exterior doors are weatherproofed to help keep out the elements and to keep you cozy no matter the season.
Additionally, be intentional with your appliances. Think carefully about what you really need, as the more appliances you have, the more electricity you require, and the more likely you are to experience brownouts. You will also find it cumbersome to trip around a dishwasher and full-size fridge as you are attempting to go about your day. Look into more compact options and consider taking some tasks “off-site,” such as visiting a laundromat instead of having a washing machine in your home.
Choosing Durable Materials
Our homes put up with a lot, there’s no denying that. Your roof and siding are the first line of defense when it comes to the elements and nature, which means it comes into contact with rain, wind, snow, hail and even animals from time to time.
While many building materials are really sturdy and can withstand minor to moderate impacts, there is always the risk that serious damage can be done.
Even though we can’t control the weather or the critters running around our yards, choosing durable materials can help lessen the risk of suffering from damage. Invest in weathertight doors and windows, have your roof inspected regularly and choose wisely when it comes to the building materials that you choose.
For example, a common siding choice for tiny home owners is fiber cement. Fiber cement is made out of sand, cement and cellulose fibers, which not only makes it really durable but it is also an eco-friendly choice.
Because it is so hard, one of the biggest benefits of fiber cement is its ability to withstand the elements. It is not prone to cracking and chipping and can reliably protect you and your family when storms brew around you.
Another great choice is stucco! Stucco is a hardened material made out of cement, sand and water and is naturally fire and pest-resistant. If your home is located in a remote area or a heavily wooded part of the country, this resistance can be really beneficial.
Stucco is also really rigid, which also makes it resistant to wind and impact damage. As stucco is naturally beautiful, it can help your home blend into your landscape seamlessly or it can stand out in an aesthetic way.
Protecting Your Tiny Home
Making the investment in your tiny home is no small feat, and you should do your best to protect your investment on a regular basis. One consideration for stucco and fiber cement as siding choices is that they are absorbent, unlike traditional vinyl or other siding options.
Over time, it can darken in spots where it has unevenly absorbed water. Lingering moisture can also lead to mold issues over time as well, which can lead to stubborn mold infestations and odors.
This is why regular maintenance on your home is so crucial! If you start to notice that your siding is starting to look darker than normal or if it is noticeably starting to deteriorate, it might be time to look into services like stucco remediation or siding repair. Tackling issues right away can help you avoid more serious issues down the road, like internal water damage or structural troubles.
You should also be mindful to keep up with regular maintenance tasks like cleaning out your gutters and sealing your home against drafts. Check the concrete pad on which your tiny house sits on a regular basis to make sure that there are no cracks, which can let water seep into the home and cause serious damage.
If you have a tiny house on wheels, be sure to make sure that the tires are in good shape and replace them if necessary. A punctured wheel can twist the axle of the tiny house, and this can lead to major issues for the structure.
These small tasks have a big impact on protecting your investment while also ensuring your family can live a cozy life in your tiny home.
Another important consideration is how to ensure should something happen to your home, you will be able to recoup your losses. Unfortunately, most homeowners insurance policies will not cover small homes, but this does not mean that you are out of luck when it comes to insurance.
You may be able to have your tiny home covered under mobile home insurance through companies like Progressive. These policies are specifically made for manufactured homes and will help cover the cost of repairs or even replacement, depending on what type of policy you have.
Mobile home insurance works similarly to home insurance, but it has different categories. You can select dwelling insurance, which will cover the costs of repairing any damage, as well as personal property, which will reimburse you for items inside the home, like furniture or appliances. Another good addition is liability insurance; this protects you should another person be injured on your property, as your insurance will cover their injuries. Finally, loss of use insurance helps reimburse you for expenses that you incur because you had to move out of your home while it was being repaired, such as lodging and meals.
If you have a tiny house on wheels, take note: some insurance companies will not cover your property if you are traveling frequently with the property. You should also look into special insurance called trip collision insurance, which will help cover losses if your home is damaged during transport.
Tiny houses can provide freedom, flexibility, and a sense of peace, as they encourage a minimalist lifestyle and allow you to focus on the things that are most important to you. However, a tiny house can develop big problems if you’re not careful. Just like a bigger house, you have many choices to make when it comes to protecting your property from the elements, as well as ensuring that you are as comfortable as possible while relaxing at home.
Making smart choices with your design can ensure that you make the most out of your space, while choosing the right siding will extend the life of your home and keep you safe. Additionally, performing routine maintenance, like cleaning the gutters and sealing windows, will prevent water damage both inside and outside of the home.
Finally, picking the right insurance policy will cover any losses that may occur, helping you to spring back with confidence. By keeping these in mind, you can enjoy a stress-free, smaller life.