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Redecorating Your Home: 6 Useful Tips on Choosing Proper Tiles

Updated on:
July 8, 2024
Tips on Choosing Proper Tiles

Image Source: Canva

Redecorating requires much effort and attention. If you miss just one thing, you can encounter more complications, and this can be time-consuming. You have to plan everything ahead and include the smallest things. Choosing appropriate tiles is not crucial just for the overall look of your place, but also for its functionality and your budget. This article provides some tips on how to choose the right tiles, and it can shorten the whole process once you are familiar with what to pay attention to. 

Determine Different Functions for Each Room

This is very important because each room requires different characteristics of the tiles. For example, in the kitchen, you need tiles that are going to be easy to maintain because of possible stains and spills, while in the bathroom, you need tiles that have some kind of additional layer to prevent slips and avoid any injuries and complications, and in the hallways or living room, make sure to find tiles on which scratches wouldn’t be that visible.

This helps you realize that the process of selecting the right tiles is very complex. This should be your first step because it will be easier once you know your options, and once you realize which material is appropriate for a certain room. 

Choose the Right Material 

There are different materials you can consider such as porcelain, ceramic, or natural stones. This choice depends on the room you’re going to use the tiles for and on the budget you’re willing to determine for this. For example, if you are looking for tiles for your bathroom and kitchen, porcelain tiles would be the best option. They are not only long-lasting but are water-resistant and they come in different designs so you can fit them into your overall look.

When it comes to natural stone tiles, like marble tiles, are more expensive and difficult to maintain, but are considered very luxurious and can be the right choice for a living room. No matter the budget or your preferences, with the huge selection of tiles, you can always find something for your taste. Remember not to focus only on the design, because the material is really important and if you choose the wrong one, you can lead to more expenses in the near future. 

Explore Some Ideas

If you want to redecorate your home but do not have any specific idea, you should look for something interesting online. This way, you can gather some specific details that are appropriate for your place. Seeing the photos and examples of how certain tiles can be fitted into the whole look, you can get a better picture. For example, you can find many interesting and unique fireplace tile ideas, the design of which can be perfect for your place.

This way, you can combine different ideas that can be used even in tiny homes, you just need to plan good space management. Do not narrow down your options; rather, see as many ideas as possible to find something that satisfies all your needs, as this kind of redecoration is something that is expected to be long-lasting. If you want to achieve a minimalistic but luxurious look, big tiles with a simple design can be the perfect match. 

Image Source: Canva

Determine the Right Size

Many people don't know that the size of the tiles can be very important, especially when making a plan for tiny homes. Large tiles can make a place look bigger and can change the whole perception of the room. Small tiles are perfect for walls and for experimenting, especially if you plan on combining different designs.

If possible, sketch the room and decide which option you like the best. This seemingly unimportant thing can make the whole thing change, so plan carefully. 

Choose the Design

This is the most important part when it comes to the appearance of the place. Choosing the design can be very tricky, as you never know how exactly they are going to fit with the whole look. Bright colors of the tiles and simple designs can help you make tiny homes feel more spacious and welcoming, while dark colors create a cozy atmosphere. This can depend on your preferences or on the room you’re going to use the tiles for.

For example, many people started using tiles for their bedrooms, and in this case, you would probably want to achieve a cozy, but still stylish look, and in this case, darker colors and bigger tiles would be the perfect match.

Color Scheme

Always plan everything before you buy the tiles. Many people make mistakes and choose the tiles they like without keeping in mind the color of the walls and the furniture, and they have huge problems trying to match everything.

You can avoid this, by planning the basic color scheme you will follow when choosing everything else. This way, you have a variety of colors that go well together, and you know what to look for.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you are limited to one or two colors, because many colors can be used together with a tasteful plan. If you plan on adding personality to your place and choosing bright and colorful tiles, pay close attention to other colors that combine with them. 

This simple choice is, in most cases, very complex, and many people make the same mistakes because they do not pay attention to small details. You should take your time to explore your options, especially if you want these tiles to be long-lasting as with the proper choice, you can avoid any replacement for a long time. with a wide selection of designs, tile materials, and colors.

You can experiment with your home and express your personality. Now, with the help of these 6 tips, you can find appropriate tiles no matter where you want to use them. Just pay attention to what the major requirement is depending on the room, and you cannot make a wrong choice. Do not hesitate to take much time on planning, as this can make the whole change.

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