What Are the Benefits of Minimalism?

Did you know that the size of an average American house has more than doubled since the 1950s?
Since World War II, global consumption has been growing at a rate unprecedented in human history. Consumerism is on the rise, but there is a movement that stands firmly in opposition.
Minimalism is not a new concept or idea, but it's growing in popularity all around the globe.
Read further to learn about the fantastic benefits of minimalism.
What is Minimalism?
At its core, minimalism is choosing to live your life with a greater intention. This is done by owning only what adds value and meaning to your life while letting go of the rest.
Minimalism is about more than just possessions. It's an ideology that helps you reduce wasting time, money, or energy on unimportant things.
It originates in the arts, using fewer elements for maximum effect. Minimalist art features a careful combination of simple lines and few colors. These ideas are reflected in the minimalist lifestyle that is becoming increasingly popular today.
It's not surprising that simple living and tiny homes are trends on the rise, with many disillusioned by the consumer lifestyle encouraged by mainstream society. Small houses are environmentally friendly and are becoming commonplace to minimalist living.
Let's take a look at some fantastic benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle.
1. You're Helping the Environment
Those who practice minimalism consume fewer products and therefore create less waste. Buying things typically means contributing to the issue of plastic packaging that is plaguing our oceans and our land. By living in a minimalist way, you can help preserve non-renewable resources such as gas and plastic.
By living in a smaller home, you will consume far less energy. This serves to reduce your carbon footprint. The minimalist lifestyle is an eco-friendly way to move through the world.
On the other hand, consumerism is a significant contributor to climate change, and a 2015 study suggested it's responsible for more than 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
It's a smart move to choose a minimalist way of life if you want to take steps to help the environment.
2. Enjoy More Freedom
By reducing our attachments to objects, we will also reduce our suffering. There is a story about Buddha which highlights this statement.
Once, an agitated farmer came running towards the Buddha, searching for his 12 cows. He was upset and told Buddha and his monks that the rainfall had destroyed his crop this year, and now his cows had gone missing. The monks could not help him, and he went in the other direction to continue searching for his livestock.
Buddha said to the monks, “Dear friends, do you know you are the happiest people on Earth? You have no cows or sesame plants to lose.”
It's normal to love material possessions, but they can end up tying us down. Minimalism can offer you a sense of freedom that objects cannot. Release your 'cows' and be truly happy and free.
3. You'll Have More Money
Minimalism will unquestionably have a positive impact on your finances. There is an underlying idea in advertising and mainstream society that buying more things will make you happier. Minimalism completely refutes that idea and offers an opposite path towards a satisfying and joyful life.
Your bank account will thank you for practicing intentional shopping. There will be no more wasting money on things you don't need. You'll have a clearer picture of what you already own, thereby cutting out the possibility of making duplicate purchases.
You'll also save a lot of money on your household. If you want to know more, take a look at this article detailing ten ways to save money by living in a modern small house.
As well as saving money, you can also make money by selling all your possessions that you deem unnecessary. If something you own is no longer useful, sell it, or give it away.
4. You'll Have More Time
Humans waste so much time cleaning and organizing all their belongings. By living a minimalist lifestyle, you will gain a lot more time.
That time can be used to explore other activities or to rest. There's no right or wrong way to enjoy your newfound extra time.
Perhaps it is worth considering how much time you currently give to unimportant things or things that don't offer you much in return.
Through simple living, you'll have more time and energy for the things you value most. Moreover, minimalists can also be more productive because there are fewer distractions to take their attention.
5. Find Things Easier
Did you know that the average American home contains approximately 300,000 items? It's no surprise that homeowners often lose things, only for them to show up years later.
By living in a tiny home with fewer possessions, there's less clutter, and you'll find it much easier to locate your things. Retracing your steps becomes a much simpler task when there are so few steps you can take.
Some minimalists limit themselves to living with 100 items or less. It's about choosing quality over quantity. It's not a new concept, but few can argue that a simple life is a happy life
6. Less Stress
On the subject of happiness, minimalism is widely touted as an excellent method to reduce stress levels. Anxiety and stress have become prevalent in today's society, but we can counter them with simple living.
A survey found that 91% of Americans were stressed about something in the past month. Earlier, we touched on how Americans have been upsizing, and it's unclear if our bigger houses are making us happier.
That's because 84% of Americans worry that their homes aren’t organized enough. Furthermore, 55% of those respondents admitted that this is a significant cause of stress for them.
A minimalist chooses to let go of the things that don't serve their happiness, instead focusing on what truly makes life meaningful. With fewer distractions, they can remain centered, calm, and less affected by stress.
There are fewer responsibilities for a minimalist because they have fewer things to take care of. In this way, they can walk more lightly through the world, effortlessly spreading love and joy through their own inner peace.
7. Let Go of the Past
The past is often heavy or can be romanticized as a happier time than today. Minimalists create a happier future for themselves by choosing not to dwell in the past, be it happy or sad.
There are connections to be made with the mindfulness movement, which has swept through the West in recent years.
Minimalism encourages presence and simplicity. True joy is not to be found in objects or memories. Both mindfulness and minimalism point towards the present moment to achieve true happiness. By giving your attention to fewer things, you can see their true beauty and be grateful.
Refusing to let go of the past imprisons us, while directing your attention to the present moment is freeing. It's not necessarily easy to let go of the past, but it's the only way you can truly live in the present.
8. Live a Life of Purpose
The goal of minimalism is not simply to have less stuff. Reducing your possessions is only the means towards creating a life that is more joyful and meaningful.
It's easy to get caught on the hamster wheel of life, running faster and faster, collecting more and more things, and finally realizing that your destination is exactly where you started.
Minimalism rejects this way of being and instead creates space to consider how you want to live your life. By removing all the clutter, many minimalists find themselves living a life of purpose.
9. Improved Self Control
Advertising can be persuasive, and there's no shame in buying products that lead you to believe that they can solve all your problems. People get paid handsomely to guide consumers towards buying their latest products.
However, a minimalist will train himself to buy only what they need. And as time progresses, these needs will become fewer and fewer. If you choose to live in a mini house, you won't have space to buy unnecessary items.
It's a learning process, but your self-control will undoubtedly improve. It's an essential skill in your growth, leading towards peace and contentment.
Reap the Benefits of Minimalism for Yourself
If you're still not convinced about minimalism, we recommend that you try it out for yourself, at least for a little while. Monks have been living this way for thousands of years, but minimalism is now a massive movement sweeping worldwide. Perhaps you can enjoy the benefits of minimalism too.
Make the conscious choice to value yourself over your possessions. A choice easily overlooked in modern culture.
If you enjoyed this article, take a look at some of our excellent blogs on little houses.